Quick Checklist : Test Your Mental Health

Test Your Mental Health

The last two years have been rough for several people and cases of depression, loneliness, grief, etc surged to its peak. Today, the scenario is no better except more and more people are coming out with emotional and mental health problems. However, the question here how do you know whether you are mentally healthy or not? Depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental and emotional illness tends to creep up on you silently. In order to stop it before it controls you, let’s take a short quiz to test your Mental health and determine whether you are mentally healthy or not?

Once you have taken this test, read the following to determine whether you need to consult a therapist or not- 

Test Your Mental Health

1. Do you accept mood swings and fluctuations as normal?

Yes or No

Yes- good mental health 

No-poor mental health 

People with good mental and emotional health suffer from depression, anxiety, and other negative thoughts however, these spells are brief and they quickly bounce back. If you are one of these kinds, there is nothing to be worried about however, if you sink into depression, anxiety, and any other negative behavior for an extended period of time, say months, you need help!

2. Do you feel good and satisfied?

Yes or No 

Yes- good mental health 

No- poor mental health

People with good mental and emotional health feel satisfied with their emotions of joy, happiness, and compassion. They do not get sucked up in the negative emotions of others. Moreover, the feelings about the “self “is different for them and when things do not go their way, they do not blame themselves. 

3. Do you cope with circumstances well?

Yes or No 

Yes- good mental health 

No- poor mental health 

Individuals with good emotional and mental health face ups and downs in life however, they nurture a strong positive mindset to face challenges bravely. They do feel low as mentioned above but they do not allow feelings of failure, non-accomplishment, etc dominate or control their life. 

4. Do you feel a sense of belonging?

Yes or No 

Yes- good mental health

No- poor mental health 

When you have sound mental and emotional health, you feel  a sense of belonging with the community. You feel valuable and have good spiritual well-being meaning you feel at peace, have a deep sense of meaning and purpose in life. 

5. Do you say no to people?

Yes or No 

Yes – good mental health 

No- poor mental health 

Mentally strong individuals know when to say “no” to people. They are aware of their boundaries and do not allow anyone else to cross them. They feel comfortable to stand up for themselves and do not feel guilty or shameful to express their true feelings to another. In short, they live a happy life with no regrets and do not please people!’

Seek help when needed 

In case, you have overwhelming feelings of negative thoughts or suffer from depression for an extended period of time, it is time for you to wake up. Professional help for mental and emotional health is easily available nowadays. You should consult a skilled therapist to help you deal with the situations or conditions that affect your overall emotional or mental health. 

If you have someone in your family you are extremely close to, reach out to them to express what and how you feel. In short, never overlook mental or emotional health issues. Consult a skilled professional and battle your fears with courage!

Test your mental and emotional health!


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