Feeling Anxious: Four Types of Self-Care for Anxiety Relief

Self-Care for Anxiety Relief

Are you feeling anxious about the future and feeling miserable in the “now”? Well, if you are, it is high time for you to wake up from the fear and as the best-selling book by author Dale Carnegie says “Stop Worrying and Start Living”. Today’s post will give you an insight into four types of self-care for anxiety relief so that you can dump the negative fears of the future, and embrace the present to live a meaningful life! Getting sorted and dumping the fears of the future.  

When you are insecure and fearful about the future, anxiety strikes and it can snatch away the happiness from your life. Never allow anxiety to control your life, and allow it to control you. Before you know it, you will realise that you have lost precious time because of fears for no reason. 

Most people become anxious when stressed and so even if they do not want to, they land up becoming nervous, worried and anxious. Now, if you are one of these people, do not fret, as you are not alone. There are ways of self-care for relief and with them you can effectively reduce anxiety or even eliminate it completely to lead a peaceful life. Let us look at them one-by-one below-

1. No emergency right now

One of the primary causes of anxiety is over-thinking and this is what makes you anxious. You cannot stop the thoughts from bombarding your brain and making you worry. However, there is a simple exercise to help you keep them from controlling your life. Say to yourself, there is no emergency now and focus on this phrase for a minute. Gradually with time, extend it and slowly you will have control over the thoughts that trigger anxiety. 

2. Relaxation techniques

You can relax certain muscle groups like holding your fists tight and taking a breath in and releasing them with a slow breath when anxiety strikes. Pranayama helps you to calm the mind and you regain tranquillity when fearful thoughts hit you. You can always practice deep and slow breathing to combat fear and anxiety. Mindfulness is an effective way for you to stay focused on the present and keep negative emotions and anxiety at bay. 

3. Exercise

Likewise daily exercise keeps anxiety at bay and if you do not wish to work out in the gym, you can always embrace a sport or do yoga to get your daily dose of endorphins that are the “feel good” hormones in the brain. You can also embrace activities like running, cycling, swimming, jogging or even walking to get your daily dose of exercise. 

4. Meditation

Guided meditation is excellent for people new to the field. There are a number of videos on YouTube for you to combat anxiety and feel safe within. You can also join a meditation class and learn it from an instructor. There are both online and local spiritual centers from where you can learn the art of meditation and embrace it in your daily life. 

With these four effective self-care techniques for anxiety relief, you effectively are able to combat the feelings of anxiety and get back to living your life sans the fear of the future. Practice any one or all of them daily, and you are bound to see a positive difference in no time- all the best and take care!

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