4 Proven Ways To Deal With Professional Criticism

Professional Criticism

Criticism is difficult to digest for each person. While some take criticism on a personal level, others use it to better themselves. And when the scenario is a workplace environment, it takes the situation to a new level! Coping with professional criticism is tacky but a part and parcel of every employee’s life. At your workplace, you might have to bear with professional criticism from your seniors, supervisors or managers. However, taking these personally will simply escalate the situation. The best way to deal with criticism is to listen, understand and apply the suggestions. 

What is Constructive Criticism? 

Before you apply these suggestions in your life, it is necessary to identify the kind of criticism coming your way. Constructive criticism is the act of providing valid opinions on your method of working. 

This can include both positive and negative comments. However, such criticism intends to improve your productivity at work. Several studies prove criticism is the easiest way to gain the attention of individuals who have become complacent. 

How to Deal with Criticism in Workplace? 

Here are some simple ways to deal with professional criticism. So, the next time you receive criticism, you know what to do. 1.

1. Understand Their Intension Honestly

Let’s state a fact: No one is perfect in this world. We all have weaknesses and strengths that we can work on. So, when someone criticises you, do not take it personally. Instead, try to understand their real intention behind the same.

2. Express Gratitude

It is important to show your appreciation for those who give constructive criticism. Your first reaction might be, “Why do I need to show gratitude for someone who criticises me? ” But, you need to understand that these are the people who want you to succeed in life. They want you to get out of your comfort zone and improve yourself.

3. Keep Your Emotions in Check

When you receive criticism, your first feelings might be to get angry and explode. This is the time that you might not try to collect your head over the intention behind the statement. However, you must control your emotions at that point. It isn’t the best idea to overreact to the same. So, simply hold back your emotions, collect yourself and then respond.

4. Consider the Suggestions 

You need to understand that some people will give you constructive criticism. However, their tone may sound wrong. Hence, do not focus on the tone of the criticism. Instead, consider the suggestions that are given to you. After all, it might be something that will help you better yourself. 

Bottom Line

Professional criticism is a part of any organization setup. Ultimately, it depends on how you choose to take it. Take our word and use criticism as a way to better yourself. Upskill yourself with the criticism you receive. Above, we have listed 4 ways to deal with professional criticism. We hope that you found this article to be helpful. If you liked this article, consider sharing it with your friends and family. Allow them to deal with criticism wisely! 

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