Why Critical Infrastructure Security From Cyberattacks Needs Attention?

Critical Infrastructure Security

Understanding Critical Infrastructure Protection Importance 

Critical Infrastructure Protection is also known as CIP is essential to protect regions important infrastructures such as agriculture, food or transportation. Every government in every country has a major responsibility to safeguard these critical infrastructures from various elements. Some of them include terrorist attacks, natural disasters and now cyber threats. The highest amount of security and disaster preparedness must be arranged. 

However, with the changing world and its fast-paced environment, there is a lot more at stake. There is internet connectivity all over along with sharing of data as well. This new and unique world structure has its security issues. Today, these organizations must use a robust and reliable framework that can foresee and prevent any security breaches. 

4 Common Threats To Critical Infrastructure Security

  1. Web Application Attacks 

The traditional OT systems are increasingly connected to the network. This also makes them accessible via remote which makes them vulnerable. Exposed and unprotected systems are a greater threat to SQL injection attacks and cross-site scripting. 

  1. Malware Attacks 


Malware attacks can cause a huge lot of damage. In 2020, the cases of malware attacks surged to a high extreme. Such attacks are known to cripple devices, result in data loss, shut administrators out of the system, and many more. This is why is it essential to incorporate anti-malware software, firewalls, and patch management policies to reduce the chances of such malicious attacks. 

  1. DDoS Attacks 

Critical Infrastructure Security

These types of attacks have the potential to cause irreversible consequences and damages to cripple organizations. Also, it affects the availability of the organizations that are dependent on them. It can time out requests, slow down systems and also cause large amounts of processing power for requests. 

  1. Network Segmentation 

Critical Infrastructure Security

Network segmentation allows administrators to control the traffic flow based on the admin policies. When there is bad network segmentation, hackers can mess around with the organization’s network infrastructure. Besides, it can also gain control of valuable assets. 

Why do Governments need To Take Action? 

Its high time that the world needs to wake up to the concerning vulnerability of critical infrastructures. There needs to be an industry-wide collaboration, government regulation, deep education along smart protection ways to safeguard CIP. Though we may not be ready for such attacks, the criminals are very ready for the same. In this connected world, it can be very easy for hackers to get into these networks and misuse the same. 


Most of the target attacks are on the industrial systems, transport and telecommunications networks, production lines, getting into the SCADA systems and more. After years of research, it is evident that critical infrastructures need attention. Critical infrastructure is not just about global security, it also includes the global economy and national security. Governments have a bigger role to play in ensuring that critical networks remain safe and secure. There is an urgent need for new regulations and laws to manage critical infrastructure. 

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