Green Steel: Climate Friendly Production Strategy

Green Steel

Since the Industrial Revolution, the steel industry has been rapidly thriving. But the pressures of governments, activists and citizens to ban CFC gas in aerosol sprays and fridges are still riding among manufacturers. Steel manufactures now have executed green steel technology to save energy and reduce the percentage of pollution. Based on manufacturer speciality, governments have come forward to help them in research, development and its implementation.

Green steel, or labelled as carbon-neutral steel, would be produced by using green hydrogen generated from renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuels, either as an alternative to pulverized coal injection, or PCI, material or as an alternative reductant to produce direct reduced iron or DRI.”

Green technology is specially constructed to help manufacturing industries such as textile, metal and other chemical sectors. Proper execution of the technology may bring positive outcomes to the worldwide population. It may also boost transportation, open jobs for those who lost their jobs in the fossil fuel industry.

Who is the innovator of green steel technology? 

Green steel

Green steel technology is innovated by Veena Sahajwalla, who recently used it in Australia to prevent more than two million waste rubber tyres from ending up in landfills.

Why is green steel technology necessary?

Green steel

Unlike the traditional way of making steel that is done using coal (also known as coke) or natural gases which leads to CO2 emission, green steel is solely hydrogen-generated; made from renewable energy. 

“The hydrogen can strip oxygen away from the ore, generating water instead of CO2. This requires renewable electricity to produce green hydrogen. And hydrogen cannot replace carbon monoxide at a ratio of 1:1. If hydrogen is used, the blast furnace needs more externally added heat to keep the temperature high, compared with the coal method.”

Steel has one of the highest recycling rates of any materials. The recycling process is mainly done in arc furnaces, which produces 0.4 tonnes of CO2. However, enforcing green steel may reduce the emission on a large scale. Unlike regular recycling processes that end up producing unwanted materials such as copper, nickel and tin, they eventually weaken the quality of steel. It shows green steel would be an extraordinary alternative. 

Green steel— a climate-friendly production strategy

Green steel

  • Executive green steel may reduce the energy consumption in the manufacturing sectors and hence can improve the efficiency of productivity.
  • Green steel is relatively an environment-friendly technology that can be productive in using refined materials.
  • It may be positive in converting waste and pollutants to byproducts. It is a great way to utilise and recycle.
  • It will reduce the consumption of energy and emission of carbon dioxide as it helps in recycling scraping.
  • It will result in higher iron resources as the process involves emission mitigation of carbon dioxide. 
  • Implementing green steel can enhance the out of production by minimising waste. 

It is estimated that India will launch a green hydrogen energy mission over 2021-2022, which shows the domestic steel industry will move a step toward decarbonisation — and when it can open up opportunities for green steel.

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