Is Stress Making You Sick- 6 Synonyms To Never Ignore 

Stress Symptoms

Most people do not consider stress to be serious. Sadly, the word “stress” is so common that even children are often heard saying they are “stressed with their studies or even life”. Healthcare experts caution stress should never be taken lightly nor should it be ignored. Now, the question is how does stress affect you and what are the key stress symptoms that indicate that you are “stressed” and need to take measures to recover. 

What is stress and how does it affect your body? 

Stress refers to a feeling of physical or emotional tension. It originates from an event or even a thought that triggers frustration, anger or nervousness.  It impacts your body in three significant ways- 

  1. It affects your mental and physical health bringing down your immune system. 
  2. Stress affects your personal and professional relationships 
  3. It causes insomnia, anxiety and depression. 

Some of the stress symptoms are obvious however there are other stress symptoms that will surprise you. Given below are 6 signs of stress never to ignore- 

1. Skin breakouts

stress symptoms

If all of a sudden you notice red itchy bumps on your skin (not allergies) stress is the main culprit to blame. When the body experiences stress for even a short-period of time, the immune system gets shaky and your body releases a chemical called histamine to battle ailments.

 If this stress symptoms stays, your body gives way to allergic reactions that could even lead to hives. When stress reigns in your body, your skin even becomes reactive to things it never was sensitive towards like cold, hear, body lotions, soaps and even the laundry detergent you use for washing your clothes. 

Tip- Place a damp cool cloth on the affected areas, if this fails to work, ask your doctor for an antihistamine medicine. Take out time to relax your brain with anti-stress relaxation activities. Listen to soft music or simply meditate with deep breathing exercises. 

2. Your body weight begins to fluctuate

stress symptoms

Stress increases the release of a hormone called cortisol that weakens the ability of your body to process blood sugar. This in turn transforms the manner in which your body metabolizes protein, carbs and fat resulting in either weight gain or loss. Stress induces one to engage in unhealthy lifestyle behaviors like under or over-eating. 

Tip-Snack on healthy nuts. The protein in them will help you when you are under-eating. The fiber fills your stomach and in case you have been bingeing lately, the problem will subside. Instead of de-stressing with unhealthy food, choose fruits and salads instead. 

3. You get a lot of headaches

stress symptoms

If you have seldom had headaches and suddenly feel your head is pounding constantly, this means you are stressed. When your body is stressed, it emits chemicals that change the blood vessels and nerves in your brain to trigger headaches. If you are prone to migraines, stress makes them worse and triggers them often. When you are stressed, your muscles become tense and this gives birth to headaches affecting your quality of life.  

Tip- If you do not want to consume ibuprofen, dab some peppermint or lavender oil on your temples when your headache starts.

4. Upset stomach

stress symptoms

Stress interrupts the function of your GI tract in several ways. It causes your body to release more acid resulting in heartburn. It slows down the emptying of food from your stomach and results in bloating and gas. It also accelerates the number of times the colon contracts resulting in cramps and diarrhea.  

Tip- Regular consumption of ginger tea or taking over-the-counter antacids help you to soothe an irritated stomach due to stress.

5. Hair Fall

Stress Symptoms

Losing some strands of hair is pretty normal as hair follicles are replaced by new ones with time. However, stress disrupts this cycle and pushes out a large volume of hair follicles from their resting phase. After some months they fall out. Stress makes the immune system of your body to attack the hair follicles resulting in subsequent loss of hair.  

Tip- Tip- You should be patient. Once the stress levels come back to normal, the hair starts to grow back again.

6. Fuzzy brain

stress symptoms

Stress makes you mentally ill. If you have a surge of the stress hormone cortisol, it makes focusing harder. You have problems with concentration and memory. This might lead to depression, anxiety and even insomnia.  

Tip- Practice the art of relaxation. Close your eyes and deep breathe for 10 minutes in a quiet spot. The breaths you take should be slow and deep. Shun all thoughts and this can easily be done by focusing on your breathing. Try it for the first time and you will experience a sense of deep peace and calm. Regular practice will eliminate stress gradually from your system. 

Therefore, when it comes to stress, it can be a silent killer to your immune system. With the ongoing Pandemic and fear in the community, it is only obvious that stress will attack you now and then. However, the choice of allowing it to control you is yours. 

There are ways to beat stress symptoms and the simple ones applicable for everyone has been listed above. Stress is an inevitable part of life and you cannot ward it off completely. However, what you can do is keep it under control by practicing relaxation techniques, meditation and sporting a positive mindset. Do it and see gradually you can take control of stress and your mental and physical health too- all the best! 

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