5 Mindfulness Techniques to Improve Your Mental Health       

Mental Health Techniques

The current state of the world has left many of us feeling overwhelmed, creating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and paranoia. When life gets challenging, practicing mindfulness can help you be fully present, put you in a peaceful state of mind, and minimize stress. Mindfulness is gaining popularity in the realm of mental health and it is easy to incorporate into your day-to-day routine. Here are five ways to practice mindfulness and improve your mental health in your daily life.

1. Breathing Exercises

Breathing is a part of life and something we are usually unaware that we are doing. Drawing awareness to your breathing with breathwork techniques are a great way to minimize stress, helping you be mindful and more relaxed. Breathing exercises require no equipment and are easy to do anywhere. There are many different breathing exercises but a simple one to start with is the 4-7-8 breathing exercise.

  • To start, exhale completely.
  • With a closed mouth inhale through the nose to a mental count of 4 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  • Exhale through the mouth for a mental count of 8 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle at least 3 more times.

2. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude daily is such a good way to keep a positive perspective. You can keep a gratitude journal by taking time every day to write down at least one thing you are thankful for. When you’re feeling down or particularly stressed, refer back to your journal for reminders of all the good in your life that you’re grateful for.

3. Daily Intentions

Starting each day with an intention is a simple yet effective way to set a positive tone for the day, create achievable personal goals and have more meaning to your day. These intentions are about who you want to be each day and how you want to contribute to the world you live in. Here are some daily intention examples to get you started.

  • Today I intend to be productive.
  • Today I intend to love who I am.
  • Today I intend to face challenges with patience and calmness.
  • Today I intend to explore new experiences.
  • Today I intend to find beauty in everything.

4. Meditation

Making meditation a part of your daily routine is a simple way to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and help you relax. Meditation helps clear your mind and redirect any negative thoughts you may be having, leaving you in a more peaceful state. It may seem difficult to do at first but there are many guided meditations available online to get you started.

5. Digital Detox

Our phones are a constant distraction that keep us from being conscious in the present moment and often leave us feeling anxious and oftentimes depressed. We are overloaded with information each day. Social media can be useful, but it can also be incredibly harmful to our mental health. We see other people’s highlight reels of their life and constantly compare ourselves to them. It’s important to realize you don’t need to respond to every message right away and you don’t always need to know what everyone else is doing. Everyone has their own journey, different from yours. Try setting boundaries by scheduling technology-free time throughout the day. A good way to start is by not looking at your phone for at least the first hour after waking up and an hour before bed.


Mental Health 2

Life throws us many challenges, but what’s important is how we choose to manage them. Coping with stress in a healthy way by practicing mindfulness can positively affect your overall emotional and mental wellness. If you are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, or any other mental health issues, reaching out to a therapist or counselor can be very beneficial. MyTherapist is an online counseling service that will match you with a licensed therapist that best suits your needs. They can provide you with support and therapies that can further help you minimize stress and improve your mental health.

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