5 Best Activities For Entertaining Guests at Home

Entertaining Guests
Are you hosting Guests? Do you want to be a great host? Then be a resilient hostess, cordially serve your guests, and engage them. Being a good hostess, you need to create a comfortable and amicable atmosphere for guests. The saying “Atithi Devo bhava” is very famous in Indian households, and hosts treat their guests as Gods. Check out the 5 best activities for entertaining guests at home.

1. Board Games


entertaining guests

Kids get easily fatigued when they visit new places, and they will try to look for some fun. They love playing board games which helps them to keep themselves entertained. Board games are always fun and exciting. They are not only enjoyable; they also help children to learn teamwork, how to coordinate with others? Adults also love to play board games because games are always interesting and joyful. So, board games are the best way for entertaining guests at home.

Below are some all-time favorite board games:

entertaining guests

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2. Movie Night


entertaining guests


When guests visit our house, it’s our responsibility to entertain them. One of the best ways to engage them is through movies. Movies are always the best options for entertainment, and movie night with good films is always memorable. Look for good movies, so no one feels bored. The horror and thriller genre makes night exciting and overwhelming. Movie and popcorn are always the best pair. So, don’t forget popcorn on your movie night.

Movie suggestions for Movie Night:
  1. Top 10 Must-Watch Best Hollywood Movies
  2. 10 Best Classic movies from Bollywood You Must Watch
  3. Top 10 Must-Watch Animated Hollywood English Movies
  4. Top 10 Must-Watch Animated Bollywood Hindi Movies for Kids

3.Mocktail Party


Mocktail parties are always famous as they are full of entertainment. Holding a mocktail party helps in breaking the ice amidst guests. Parties without games are invariably dull. Truth or dare, Spin the bottle games helps guests to chill and enjoy the party. One trendy cocktail party idea is to make their drinks. Make the food decorative and fun by adding toppings and skewers to the food. Youth likes parties so much, and they always like to attend parties, but this pandemic demands staying home. So, having a cocktail party when you have guests is the best way to keep them entertained




Food plays a significant role in entertaining guests. Try to cook food according to the guest’s tastes. Decorate the dining table with a centrepiece and some candles; it need not be expensive but should make the table exquisite. Adding wine to your dinner always lifts the atmosphere at the dining table. Check out spices in your food and prefer guests interest. Barbeque in your backyard on a pleasant evening makes everyone relaxed and gives a refreshing start to all. If possible, have pleasant and soft music in the background, which creates a peaceful atmosphere.

5.Bonfire in Backyard:


Bonfire in your backyard helps you to entertain guests at home when during this pandemic situation. Bonfire not only makes our surroundings warm but also make guest’s hearts warm. Having fun with guests in your backyard spreads happiness and joy in the air. You can include barbeque and music during your bonfire, which is full of pleasure and joy. Be careful and cautious when you are close to the fire.


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