5 Super Simple Ways To Get Rid of Insomnia and Sleepless Nights

sleepless nights

Insomnia refers to a sleep disorder where you have trouble falling or staying asleep. This condition may be acute (short-term) transient (lasts for about one week) or chronic (long-term) leading to sleepless nights. There are instances where all these types of insomnia tend to come and go as well.

Let us look at them one by one below-

1. Acute Insomnia

Acute insomnia in people can last from one night to some weeks. It is often known as adjustment insomnia and is the result of situational stress like an examination, new job or a project deadline. It is resolved when the stressor no longer exists or you adapt yourself to the stressor.

2. Transient Insomnia

Transient Insomnia lasts for less than one week. It is generally caused by changes in your sleep environment or a disorder like depression or stress.

3. Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia lasts for more than a month. It generally starts off as transient or a short-term condition. There are some cases where the insomnia might become chronic leading to sleepless nights. It is associated with certain psychiatric or medical conditions that are chronic in nature. It takes place in individuals that have underlying risks to insomnia.

Symptoms of insomnia

The following are the key symptoms of insomnia-

  • Difficulty in falling or staying asleep in the night
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Irritability
  • Waking up very early
  • Problems in memory and concentration
  • Frequent headaches
  • Problems in coordination
  • Acid reflux
  • Excessive worrying
  • Increased risks for anxiety and depression
  • Daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Symptoms include-
    • A lack of energy
    • Tiredness
    • Problems concentrating
    • Reduced performance at work
    • Fatigue
    • Irritability

You should avoid eating late night meals or even snacking before bed. This will activate your digestive system and interrupt your sleep. In case you suffer from heartburn or GERD or gastroesophageal reflux, the above symptoms become even worse.

Besides the above, if you drink a lot of water or fluids before going to bed, this will overwhelm your bladder, meaning you need to get up frequently from bed and pay visits to the bathroom causing sleepless nights.

Super simple ways to beat insomnia

You will find there are a large number of stress reduction techniques and relaxation therapies to help you calm the mind and body before you go to sleep. Some of these examples are deep breathing exercises, meditation, visual imagery and progressive muscle relaxation. They are mostly available in the form of audio tapes that you can buy in the market for your needs.

Besides the above, there are some natural and easy techniques that help you get a restful night of sleep easily. They are listed below-

  1. Wake up daily at the same time- You should train your body to wake up at the same time daily. Though, it might be tempting to sleep late during the weekend or sleep a little extra, this will not help you beat insomnia. Your efforts should be consistent when it comes to going to sleep and getting up at the same time daily.
  2. Bid adieu to alcohol and other stimulants with caffeine and nicotine– Caffeine effects the body and in some cases it can even last for 24 hours. The chances of caffeine affecting your sleep are quite high. It generally does not cause problems in initiating sleep however; it will cause problems in helping you to stay asleep. Alcohol, on the other hand will have a sedative effect on your body for some hours after consumption however, it will lead to sleep disturbances. If you are on any medication that act like a stimulant like asthma inhalers and decongestants, ask your healthcare specialist on how they should be taken correctly so that your sleep is not affected in any way at all.
  3. Restrict naps– Taking naps often seems like a unharmful way to catch up on any missed sleep you might have had however, this is not always true. It is crucial for you to create and maintain a sleep pattern that is regular. You must train yourself to link sleep with natural cues like a consistent bedtime and darkness. Taking too many or naps too long will affect the quality of your sleep during the night or even result in sleepless nights.
  4. Exercise daily – Regular exercise boosts the duration and the quality of sleep. However, do not exercise immediately before going to sleep as this will have a stimulant effect on your body. You should complete your exercise at least three hours before you plan to sleep in the night.
  5. Make your sleep environment comfortable- In order to induce good restful sleep, every night, ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable and peaceful. The mattress you sleep on should be cozy and help you to wake up feeling fresh and energetic. You should keep all electronic gadgets away before bedtime. This includes your smartphone as well. Make sure you shut down all computers and electronics at least two to three hours before you retire for the night.

Therefore, when it comes to beating insomnia and getting a restful night of sleep, keep in mind these 5 super simple ways. With regular practice, you will find falling and staying asleep is no longer a major challenge for you anymore. Remember to be consistent and see how simple behavioral and lifestyle changes bring a drastic transformation to your life!

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