Counter Major Database Security Threats with these 5 Super Simple Measures


Business data is a critical component for every company that needs to be safeguarded at all costs. Every organization, both big and small daily collects a lot of data from their customers and daily operations. The data stored in the databases are used for managing data and automating myriad functions both inside and outside of the company. This is why data protection is an integral part of business protection and should never be neglected at any cost. Data security must be the goal of every database management system (DBMS)

Known popularly as “database security”, this important aspect of your company cannot be neglected at all. This guide will give you five super simple measures to beef up your database security to keep cyber-criminals at bay with success.

Let us take a look at them one by one-

1. Too many database privileges

Users of your business database generally have different privileges. However, not all your database users are the same. Some might have malicious intent and abuse their organizational system privileges. The common types of abuse are –

  • Abuse of legitimate privileges
  • Abuse of excessive privileges and
  • Abuse of unused privileges

The abuse of excessive privileges always invokes unwanted risks. As per credible statistics across the world, almost 80 percent of business database attacks are incorporated on the company by present or ex-employees.


  • Set and maintain a very strict privilege control and access policy
  • Never grant excessive database privileges to all the employees of the company. Timely revoke excessive privileges that are outdated and no longer applicable to users.

2. SQL Injections

This is an attack on your database and takes place when a malicious code has been embedded in the web application generally at the front-end and passes on to the back-end database. Due to SQL Injections, cyber-criminals gain unrestricted access to all the data stored in the system. There are two types of SQL injections-

  • SQL injections that target conventional databases, and
  • NoSQL injections that target databases dealing with Big Data.


  • Substitute direct queries with stored procedure
  • Execute MVC architecture

3. Not managing sensitive data

Several companies have a lot of sensitive data stored in their databases. They often overlook the importance to keep a correct inventory of this data. If such forgotten and unattended data fall prey to cyber-criminals and hackers, this will spell disaster for the business.

The ordeal might get worse as sensitive data on a daily basis is added to the database and with no means to track it, this information is openly exposed to threats and can even result in the complete shutdown of the business if misused.


  • Encrypt sensitive data in the database
  • Apply the necessary permissions and controls in your database
  • Run a periodic search for sensitive data on the database. This can be done successfully with the Compliance Manager and the Periodic Data Discovery tool that automatically identifies new sensitive data that has been added for protection.

4. Exposure of database backups

One should ensure that backups are made for business databases regularly. However, most of these database backup files are left unprotected from potential cyber-attacks. This generates a lot of risk for major security breaches that can occur via leaks in database backup systems.


  • Both the database and its backup files should be encrypted. If you store data in its encrypted form it secures both backup copies and production of the database.
  • Audit both the database backup and database. This will help business owners to see who will get access to sensitive data.

5. Misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in the database

This takes place often when databases are completely unprotected because of misconfiguration. Some databases have default accounts and parameters for configuration. However, business owners forget that hackers are skilled IT professionals themselves and they are fully aware of how to exploit these database misconfigurations and vulnerabilities for using them against a business.


  • The database should not have any default accounts
  • The IT professionals your business hires must be experienced and highly qualified. If you cannot afford a skilled IT professional, hire remote DBA companies for the task.

Therefore, when it comes to database security and ways to counter them, follow the list above. Ensure your business is safe from cyber-threats round-the-clock so that you can focus on other important tasks of the company with complete peace of mind!

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