Top 10 habits for mental health happiness and well-being!!!

Ever searched for how to be happy and ended up with empty answers or too complicated ideas about Mental health? Well, if you have experienced that till now, you have finally reached your destination as we are going to talk about simple ways to attain happiness.

If you are not aware, we would like to tell you that every single habit of your day-to-day life affects your mental health, either positively or negatively. So, we are going to list out 10 simple habits that can result in positive for your mental health.

1. It’s okay to feel low

This is the first step to move ahead towards well-being. Like everyone else, we also believe that – self-love is the key. You have to accept your imperfections and love yourself. Some days go bad or even worst, but don’t let those situations define you or let you down. You need to realize that there’s nothing wrong to feel the way you don’t want to. Understand that it is just a phase, and you can get over it.

2. Smile! Smile! Smile!

A very famous quote says – Smile until you have teeth. There is a valid reason to follow what this quote implies. Smiling keeps you away from stress and reduces blood pressure by releasing stress-causing hormones and endorphins. It has the power to bring positivity to the surroundings, and that is why you must have noticed happiness around kids; they always seem to have a smile on their face, no? So keep smiling no matter how the situation is. It might seem weird in the beginning but will have a good impact in a long term.

3. Eat the right way

Yes! Not only do bad eating habits that result in poor body condition, but it also ruins mental health and well-being. So, improve your diet starting from today. Include carbohydrate, protein-containing foods and healthy recepies in your daily diet and avoid highly processed and fried foods. Moreover, don’t do multitasking like using phones, watching television, or talking while having your meal. Strictly refrain from such things and focus only on your food and mood when you are eating.

4. Make connections

People tend to stay alone when they are feeling low, but that’s not the right way to deal with your problems. It is good to stay alone sometimes, but don’t make it your habit as it will have an unwanted impact on your mental health. Talk to friends, make new ones, and stay social and share things as much as you can. It will make you feel light, will improve brain skills, and increase self-confidence.

5. Help and support others

Give others what you are longing for, i.e., support and help. As much as you are seeking happiness, many others out there are looking for the same. So, do things for others, spread joy whenever you get a chance, and in turn, you will see improvement within yourself. It won’t cost you anything; moreover, you will become an inspiration and encouragement for others to help others and bring changes into society with individual effort.

6. Breathing is an exercise

Many people find it hard to perform meditation. We are asking you to just breathe deeply, which is also a basic meditation step. Whenever you think you are going to panic, just breathe. And if you have it within yourself to try harder, then perform deep breathing exercises daily for 5 or 10 minutes in the morning. You will soon observe that you can concentrate and focus on things better than before.

7. Spend time with your hobbies

Getting involved in what you love can be the best healer. If you like listening to music or singing or reading, do it every day, even for a little time. Play the sports you are interested in, spend time cooking if you want to, get indulged in gardening, etc. If you still don’t know about your likings, think of it and find some activities that can make you happier. Here is a list of best self-improvement books you must read to get an improved version of yourself!

8. Drink enough water

Drinking water is the simplest way to boost your mood. Water alone is capable of preventing conditions like constipation, headaches, and many infections. So, if you don’t drink enough water, like 8-10 glasses per day, start it from now. If 8-10 glasses are quite challenging for you, try having 4 or 5 in the beginning, and then increase it slowly.

9. Allow yourself adequate sleep

Your sleeping habits will surely have an effect on your mental health. A night of improper sleep can result in a feeling of tiredness all day long. Don’t make your sleep timings flexible. Be strict about it, and sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours every day to feel energized.

10. Take a break

Do you spend most of the day using phones, laptops, and staying active on social media? If yes, then start minimizing those times from today only and do something productive instead. Relying on these gadgets to feel good is not an effort to solve the problems, but escape it temporarily. Moreover, excessive phone use can lead to anxiety, decreased self-esteem, and various other psychological issues.

The Bottom Line

You may find it hard to implement all the ideas suddenly, and no one is asking you to do that. Start from improving in bits every day. Choose any 5 from the list, and work on them slowly but with consistency. Do the same with the rest.

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